Making your first edit

Before we dive deep into folder structure, customizing components, functions and all, let's just try to make a simple change to see how it looks like.

✍️ Objective - To add the text "My custom theme" to the top of the page

  1. Once you have added the text, click on "Save & Preview store" button

  2. Now your changes would be deployed to a preview site which is different from your main store website

  3. Your preview store link would be .sh/<store-link> (Note - It's not yet deployed to your original store link, which is<store-link>)

  4. The mobile preview is visible within the code editor itself.

  5. If you can see, the text "My custom theme" is now visible on both mobile screen as well as desktop site. Awesome, you just edited your theme!

  6. We can also make the text bold by changing the HTML to this. <p><b>My custom theme</b></p> Similarly, you can continue playing around with

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